Wednesday 26 December 2012

Basics of Field Effect Transistor (FET), Classification of Field Effect Transistor

Basics of Field Effect Transistor (FET), Classification of Field Effect Transistor

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Bragg Spectrometer, Bragg's Spectrometer Method, Working of Bragg Spectrometer

Bragg Spectrometer, Bragg's Spectrometer Method, Working of Bragg Spectrometer

Monday 24 December 2012

Thevenin's Theorem, Thevenin Principle, Theorem of Thevenin

Thevenin's Theorem, Thevenin Principle, Theorem of Thevenin


Norton's Theorem, Norton Principle, Theorem of Norton .....

Norton's Theorem, Norton Principle, Theorem of Norton


Friday 21 December 2012

Maximum Power Transfer Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer Theorem Examples

Maximum Power Transfer Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer Theorem Examples


Thursday 20 December 2012

Schrodinger Time Independent Wave Equation, The Time-Independent Schrodinger Equation

Schrodinger Time Independent Wave Equation, The Time-Independent Schrodinger Equation

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Displacement of Fringes, Fringes, Interference of Fringes, Interference of Light

Displacement of Fringes, Fringes, Interference of Fringes, Interference of Light


If a thin glass or mica strip or any other transparent plate of uniform thickness is introduced in the path of one of the two interfering beam from two coherent sources then central bright fringe will be displaced. This displacement from C to C00 will towards the side of lamina.

In order to calculate the displace we shall find the path difference between two beam from coherent sources S1 and S2 at any point ‘P’ on the screen. Let ‘t’ be the thickness of sheet and ‘μ’ the refractive index of its materials.

Time T taken by the beam to reach from S1 to P is given by

where C is the velocity in air and V is velocity of light in the medium of the plate

The condition for maxima
If P is the centre of the nth bright fringe

Shift of Central Fringe

Shift of central bright fringe where n=0 is given by

This expression is independent of n. This indicate that all the bright fringes are displaced through the same amount equal to  similarly it can be shown that the displacement of any dark fringe is also

The fringe width ω is given by